COSI Proposal

After a thorough analysis, it is clear that COSI’s social media presence needs improving as a whole. We decided it was necessary to restructure the initial objective of the analysis from increasing awareness of one event, Up All Night, to increasing the awareness of all events at COSI. We plan to do this multiple different ways, such as promoting and broadcasting events more effectively by using social media.

Overall Objective: Increase awareness of COSI’s events by 30% within 3 months by measuring engagement of event-related posts on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.

Our proposal has multiple stages that we believe will achieve, even surpass, the overall objective. First, Twitter will be a live feed of all events taking place at COSI. These posts will also include polls, competitions, and other ways for users to engage with the brand. Second, Instagram will be efficiently utilized, mostly focusing on the use of video. We want the user to see all the fun taking place at COSI and feel like he or she is missing out. Third, Snapchat will be incorporated as a behind-the-scenes view of what happens at COSI’s events and increase event awareness.

To support these three stages, we have built out a three month comprehensive social media posting calendar. Each platform will support one another, whether it is posting a snap story on Instagram or an Instagram posts that redirects the user to Twitter to vote on a poll. 

We would like to thank you for the opportunity to analyze and compose a social media campaign for COSI. We appreciate all of your time and consideration. If you have any questions regarding the information in this proposal, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.

Thank You,

Katherine Abbott,

Jonah Ort,

Scott Moore,


Create a Scientific Cocktail With #CocktailsAtCOSI

COSI’s “Up All Night” events are overnight museum lock-ins for adults. They’re a lot like children’s events… but with a lot more alcohol involved. We wanted to take advantage of this important differentiating factor with the #CocktailsAtCOSI campaign. And why not start on St. Patrick’s Day?

The idea is simple: COSI fans aged 21-and-up can submit an idea for their own cocktail with a scientific theme. The winner of the contest gets their drink featured at the next “Up All Night” event and receives free tickets. The drink will be colored neon green and have a four leaf clover garnish. COSI’s social media platforms will promote the user-generated cocktail with the winner’s name attached.


We chose this idea because it’s a fun way for adults to show off their creativity and geekiness. We think the campaign will be successful because people love to have their voices heard. Having your name associated with a fun, science-themed cocktail is an exciting prospect. Plus, the free tickets can’t hurt.

“Pop The Bubble”: An Interview With Dan Farkas

by Jonah Ort

Dan Farkas graduated from Ohio University in 1998 and returned 13 years later to teach at the school where he once studied. Dan now teaches the Strategic Communication capstone course, as well as the Strategic Social Media course. In the 13 years between his graduation and professorship, he worked at news outlets and PR agencies, earning over two dozen awards along the way. Dan Farkas is someone who is truly passionate about communicating effectively through social media. As his LinkedIn profile suggests, Dan seeks to tell stories online and help others do the same.

Farkas: I’m excited to hear what Professor Weed has you guys asking.

Me: I think the questions are really insightful. Really interested in hearing what you have to say. Ready to begin?

Farkas: Sure.

Me: Alright, cool. So the first question — and honestly this is super helpful– what is one piece of advice you would give to an aspiring social media professional?

Farkas: I would tell them to pop the bubble. And by that what I mean is… I think that social media professionals have to view their responsibilities far beyond the context of marketing, PR, advertising, or even communications. I’ve seen PR people not have a very broad set of interests maybe, and just be very focused on what they need to do to get by, and to a lesser degree advertising people are like that. But with social, you have to realize that that is something that is going to be utilized in every facet of an experience, ranging from trying to look for customers, trying to bring them in, giving them information, employee communications… it’s so wide ranging. The listening component is so significant that if you view yourself as a social media person and not part of something else, you’re going to struggle to do effective work.

Dan Farkas with his daughter, Leah.

Me: Yeah, I remember you talking about that in class and the importance of engaging with the other levels within a workplace and bringing everyone together. So what people or organizations do you follow to stay up-to-date on social media trends and why? Like, who’s putting out good tips out there?

Farkas: Criminy, that’s a tough question. It’s not so much a social media source, but there’s a group I’m part of called Solo PR, which I mostly follow for communications advice. I follow a guy I know called Eric Hanson who’s really smart and has really interesting ideas. There’s Muckrack, which is more of a PR/Media Relations thing that is nice to have. Scott Monty does a weekly digital thing that I spend a fair amount of time with, it’s a weekly e-newsletter thing. I think that’s a decent enough laundry list. I’m also curious as to what Reagan has to say, the Ragan PR blog.

Me: So this is my favorite question: What do you think is the most important upcoming trend in social media and why is that trend important?

Farkas: To me, the thing that matters most is the concept of geolocation. I mean it’s not that it’s a new trend, but it’s the idea of being very specific about the identifying what local means and how you can reach them. So Facebook for example, they’re advertising lets you advertise in a one-mile radius, so when a bunch of WWE fans are in Atlanta for a pay-per-view wrestling show, you can specifically target them. Foursquare has done a service where they can track foot traffic walking into a place. So the whole idea is how can you use that kind of local definition to see what the consumer experience is like. So that, to me, is the trend.

Me: What social media platforms do you think are going to be sticking around for the next 5-10 years and which ones are we going to see die out?

Farkas: I think social media companies that aren’t social media companies will have a much better sense of existing. For example, I think Facebook is a giant Big Data company. I don’t view Facebook as “Hey, I can talk to my friends online!” right? I view Facebook as…I mean, think of the amount of automation and artificial intelligence there is out there. That’s what Facebook is. LinkedIn is not a social media company. That is: “Let’s get a bunch of recruiters together and figure out how to aggregate that insane world.” So to me, companies that do more than media as a social platform have power. I think Twitter is kinda finding what that is, which is why it struggled so more. So I think those entities, those brand that think of themselves as part of a larger context are gonna be fine. I think those that don’t I think are gonna have a tough time to sort of sustain what they got going on. So I think Twitter’s going to be around as a company, there was just talk today about them having a $10 a month yearly subscription to basically pay the bills. That’s the equivalent to me getting a subscription to the New York Times. Those are the publicly traded ones. But if you’re privately-owned, you don’t have stockholders to appeal to. So a place like Pinterest for example can keep doing what it’s doing without facing that pressure. So I think that companies that keep doing what they’re doing and view themselves outside of a communications company are fine. I think the ones that view themselves as a media company are gonna have a tougher time to make that work.

Me: That’s smart. I read an article recently that was talking about, basically what you just said, that Facebook is not a social media company, it’s a data aggregation company.

Farkas: Oh yeah, they got out of that eons ago. The reason is: when they first became publicly-traded, their stock got decimated. And the reason their stock got decimated was because people were like “Wait a minute, people don’t care about the ads, people don’t like the ads, so what’s all the other stuff they’re doing?” And they, candidly, as a publicly-traded company, got out of that business. LinkedIn makes most of their money on recruiters spending a couple hundred bucks every year for a subscription and sales people using that for their sales team. They bought a company now that does education, webinar stuff. So they’re becoming an education and recruiting tool, not just “Here’s 5 Ways To Become a Sales Leader.” That’s the least of their issues, you know? And again, Twitter hasn’t found that, and that’s why you’ve seen them struggle. Eventually I’m sure they’ll figure something out. But that’s why as a publicly-traded company, they’re in more trouble than the private ones.

Me: And lastly here’s just a fun one: What’s the biggest blunder you’ve seen a company make on social media?

Farkas: The biggest blunder? Oh boy. Oh man.

Me: I know there’s plenty!

Farkas: The one I go back to, and I don’t remember the company that was doing it, but it was during the batman shooting. And they tweeted out something like “I bet the people of Aurora would love our new clothing line.” Just something so asinine. And the reason that’s the worst, and I talk about popping the bubble , some people might get that and others might not get that what means. That incident was so horrible, so tunnel-focused, and so unaware about what the point of a global conversation is. They were using it as a digital megaphone and they didn’t particular care what other noise was there. They just wanted to amplify their voice. They didn’t even realize, like, there are certain times… if you go to a steakhouse and you order a $100 meal you won’t have your cellphone on talking to someone in the middle of the meal. Like, the experience is beyond you. It was just that oblivious nature to it– that, to me, is an example of solely focusing on what’s inside your bubble and why you don’t do that.

Me: Jeez, that seems like the perfect example of what NOT to do. But I mean it’s common sense, right? I guess not.

Farkas: I teach stuff like this in JOUR 4530, which is “look at Google Trends, and see what’s going on in the world and find out if there’s a way to connect the dots. So they followed, like, what some blog tells you to do really well but they were oblivious to what was occurring. And that, to me, that’s what bothers me.

I really loved Dan’s metaphor of “popping the bubble.” It’s the whole reason why journalism majors at OU have to take so many general education courses. As writers, as communicators, we need to understand the world around us and the context in which our writing takes place. Obliviousness and ignorance are unacceptable traits for any writer worth their salt; and as Dan pointed out, oblivious social media writers are the ones making the biggest blunders.


TOMS Celebrated Its Birthday by Giving Back With #WithoutShoes

by Jonah Ort

TOMS celebrated its 8th birthday by giving gifts rather than receiving them. With the #WithoutShoes campaign, TOMS got their fans involved in a creative way to do something special for kids across the globe. Using social media to help those in need is always a social win, but what TOMS did was truly special.

The concept was simple: people should go a day without wearing shoes to help themselves understand the struggles faced by children who don’t have access to shoes. How can TOMS spread awareness about childhood poverty on a global scale? The answer was simple: through Instagram, of course.

The campaign had Instagram users take pictures of their bare feet and post them with #withoutshoes, and TOMS will donate one pair of new shoes to children in need. TOMS already donates a pair of shoes for every pair you purchase, but this time there was no purchase necessary.

The benefits of this campaign are threefold. For starters, it makes TOMS look great and shows off their humanitarian side. Secondly, it got users engaged with the brand on Instagram and spread awareness of the TOMS brand organically. And, most importantly, kids in need will receive new shoes.

The campaign took off quickly, with over 14,000 posts on the hashtag within 24 hours. Despite the campaign lasting less than a month, over 250,000 unique Instagram photos were taken with #withoutshoes. That’s over 250,000 pairs of shoes for kids.

Many celebrities also endorsed the campaign as well, like artist P!NK and actor Jeff Bridges. This kind of publicity undoubtedly boosted engagement and got more people posting. The celebrity involvement was also completely organic; TOMS did not pay anyone to sponsor the campaign. That’s the power of philanthropy for you.


The campaign did great across Facebook and Twitter as well. Social Media analytics company Unmetric found that the #withoutshoes campaign was one of the best campaigns, in terms of engagement, for the month of May. TOMS was so pleased with how the campaign performed that they plan on doing something similar in 2016.

Though there’s no doubt that the campaign was a social win, I can think of a couple ways to make it more profitable for TOMS and more engaging for fans. I think TOMS should also require users to use @toms in addition to #withoutshoes. I know there was some confusion surrounding the hashtag and what it meant, so that might clear things up and bring the messaging back to TOMS.

I also think that TOMS should set goals throughout the promotion, much like a Kickstarter or IndieGoGo campaign. For example, at 100,000 posts, TOMS can give away an extra 20,000 shoes. Goals like these could inspire people the spread the word to get more people to participate. This also helps the campaign maintain momentum up to the very end; with the deadline approaching, TOMS would most likely see a big boost in engagement as users try to reach the next attainable goal.

Though TOMS’ #withoutshoes campaign was an excellent example of social media promotion, what really matters is that hundreds of thousands of kids in need will get a pair of shoes. Stuff like this demonstrates how social media changes the world for the better. If that isn’t a social win, I don’t know what is.


Cava, M. D. (2015, May 05). Toms uses Instagram to give away a million shoes. Retrieved February 14, 2016, from

Couch, R. (2015, October 27). Instagram Users Went #WithoutShoes This Month And Gave 265,000 Pairs To Kids In Need. Retrieved February 14, 2016, from

Kotenko, J. (2015, May 05). Toms is donating one pair of shoes for every photo of bare feet on Instagram. Retrieved February 14, 2016, from

PRNewswire. (2015, May 5). TOMS Kicks Off Its Eighth Annual One Day Without Shoes Campaign. Retrieved February 14, 2016, from

Wander, E. (2015, December 30). Here’s a Month-by-Month Look at the Most Engaging Brand Content of 2015. Retrieved February 14, 2016, from


Bud Light Doesn’t Know About Consent, Ruins Successful Campaign

by Jonah Ort

Bud Light’s idea was simple enough: show off your carefree, party-hard attitude with #UpForWhatever. The campaign was huge for Budweiser; it lasted over a year and even had a Super Bowl ad attached to it.  Bud Light’s hope was for consumers to associate the Bud Light brand with spontaneity, rebelliousness, and fun.

The primarily Twitter-focused campaign poised itself to be a Social Win, tweeting fun things to do while going out with #UpForWhatever. That is, until two gaffes turned the campaign into perhaps the biggest Social Fail of 2015.

It all started on Saint Patrick’s Day of 2015. Bud Light tweeted: “On #StPatrickDay you can pinch people who don’t wear green. You can also pinch people who aren’t #UpForWhatever.”

As anyone but Bud Light could’ve predicted, this set off some serious backlash. Consent is a serious subject that someone on Bud Light’s marketing team did not take very seriously. Twitter users slammed Bud Light for the insensitive tweet. One female Twitter user suggested spreading #UpForThingsIExplicitlyConsentTo as a response.

The tweet was quickly deleted. But it wouldn’t be the end of Bud Light’s issues with understanding of consent.

The following month, Bud Light started making bottles promoting the #UpForWhatever campaign. Here’s one particular bottle:

"The perfect beer for removing 'no' from your vocabulary for the night."

“The perfect beer for removing ‘no’ from your vocabulary for the night.”

It pretty much speaks for itself: the message of not saying “no” can easily allude to issues of consent and rape. Anyone remotely in-tune with modern college life would know that consent is a big discussion point among college campuses; one in five college women are sexual assault victims.

Though the controversy started on a beer can, the backlash ended up on Twitter. One user tweeted that “I’m not #UpForWhatever if #UpForWhatever means a lack of consent and rape, sorry beer bros.”

Bud Light was quick to comment and stated that they “missed the mark” and “would never condone disrespectful or irresponsible behavior.”

However, it was too late. Numerous news outlets reported the offensive bottle, and the entire integrated campaign was in shambles. It actually ended up broadening the ongoing dialogue about alcohol and consent on college campuses, which might be the only positive thing to come from the controversy.

I have two tips for Bud Light moving forward. First off, hire some women, because there’s no way a woman looked at that tweet and thought it was OK. The fact that the bottle got through numerous editors and packagers shows that there’s something seriously amiss with Bud Light’s work culture. The “beer bro” demographic that the one Twitter user mentioned may include the majority of Bud Light’s marketing staff as well.

Secondly, if Bud Light’s targeting Millennials and college students, they should probably do some light Googling about current college politics and issues. It doesn’t take a nuanced view of rape culture to know the tweet and that bottle were insensitive. Saying they “missed the mark” is pretty light language regarding a sensitive issue that commands respect.

Bud Light wanted women to remove “no” from their vocabulary, but “no” is exactly what women are telling Bud Light.


Garcia, A. (2015, March 17). Bud Light’s Awful St. Patrick’s Tweet: Pinch Women Who Aren’t ‘Up For Whatever’ Retrieved February 07, 2016, from

Ive, N. (2015, January 16). Real-Life Pac-Man? See Bud Light’s #UpForWhatever Teaser (and a Trailer Load of Other Super Bowl Previews). Retrieved February 07, 2016, from

Monllos, K. (2015, April 28). Bud Light Says It ‘Missed the Mark’ With Line About ‘Removing No From Your Vocabulary’ Retrieved February 07, 2016, from

Pallotta, F. (2015, April 28). Bud Light’s #UpForWhatever slogan causes social media uproar. Retrieved February 07, 2016, from

Parish, W. (2015, March 17). Bud Light’s St. Patrick’s Day tweet stirs controversy. Retrieved February 07, 2016, from

Zaino, J. (2015, July 21). Changing Definitions of Sexual Consent on College Campuses | Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved February 07, 2016, from